Catholic Women's Club
The mission of Sacred Heart Catholic Women’s Club is to project and promote women with a sense of spirituality, service and sociability for the glory of God.
All women of the parish are members of the Catholic Women’s Club. One becomes an Active Member by participation in meetings, monthly meeting hostess duties, club activities and dues. Covered Dish Meetings are held at 6:30 the first Thursday of the month from September through May (except January) in Sacred Heart School Cafeteria. Members celebrate with a catered Christmas party in December. Contact CWC President Paula Hathaway at 740-622-2226 for more information about joining Catholic Women’s Club.
Catholic Women’s Club was formed in 1935 from the Daughters of Isabella (the female counterpart to the Knights of Columbus). Reverend Anthony Domm suggested the name.
The Catholic Women of Sacred Heart parish used to be divided into 4 districts as there was no place to meet to accommodate all of the parish women and meetings rotated among members’ homes within a district, limited to 36 women in each district. The YWCA became the meeting place for the group. In 1946, Father Kerrigan requested open membership to all Catholic women of the parish and meetings were held at Sacred Heart School Cafeteria. CWC continues to meet there monthly for covered dish meetings, taking a break during the summer months and January.
As an active member, CWC members assist the parish with receptions for our new and outgoing priests, graduating high school seniors, Confirmation (Confirmandi), parish events, and fundraisers. Fundraisers may include making pumpkin rolls, meat bundle raffles, and afghan raffles.
CWC members support Sacred Heart Church through their prayer, work and financial contributions, including the restoration of the church windows, altar linens, SHS Little Kitchen renovation and appliances, and Sacred Heart School donations (tuition) for needy students.
CWC members also support community activities by working with Church Women United (CWU) by supplying food and workers for one Wednesday of the Lenten Luncheon program. CWC members contribute money for the Least Coin Collection which is used to buy clothing for needy students in the county twice a year. Some ladies help the children shop for their clothes. Members may attend the Fall Gathering and Spring Program of CWU and World Day of Prayer. Food Pantry Donations are made to the Salvation Army. CWC members help with the Red Cross Bloodmobile and Care Center Birthday Parties for residents one month of the year.
CWC helps the greater church throughout the world through donations and prayers. They have financially supported seminarians in their studies and missionary work in different lands.